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Bohanyuan and Australian law firm Holding Redlich have signed a strategic cooperation agreement for the year 2020-2023

Datetime:2020-09-22 10:30:00Click:1805
On the afternoon of September 21, 2020, Shandong Bohanyuan Law Firm and Australian Holding Redlich Law Firm renewed the strategy partnership agreement.

The ceremony using video conference, the Chinese representatives who attended the signing ceremony were Mr. Huo Jianping, the chairman of the partner conference of Shandong Bohanyuan Law Firm, Gao Jianjun, the director of the firm, and the lawyers from the international business team. The Australian lawyers represented by Ian Robertson AO, managing partner of Holding Redlich Law Firm, Carl Hinze, partner of the Brisbane office, And Linda Lau, senior lawyer.

On the signing ceremony, Mr. Huo Jianping summarized the achievements by the cooperation between two law firms during early three years. He hopes to have more opportunities after the outbreak to have communication with the colleagues of Holding Redlich. It is could be seen that both sides would unutilized the advantages and resources on strengthen the construction of the brand, business cooperation, legal products research and development of team communication or other aspects of cooperation. Mr. Ian hopes to achieve more in-depth contact and cooperation with Bohanyuan in international business area.

The international business team of Bohanyuan law Firm is a professional team of lawyers who understand policies, laws, foreign languages and economy. The team members have overseas study and foreign business training experience, and some of them have Hong Kong overseas lawyer's license. Bohanyuan lawyers service for domestic and foreign clients in finance, real estate, mining, international goods trading, investment and financing and other fields of investment and dispute resolution to provide special legal services.

Holding Redlich Law Firm (Holding Redlich) was founded in 1959, is an Australia's commercial law firm with a national leading position. Holding Redlich has offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane. There is abundant experience in finance law, company law, commercial law, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, litigation dispute resolution by Holding Redlich. Holding Redlich has very rich practical experience and deep and extensive cooperation resources to provide legal services for Chinese capital investment in Australia 

The two parties agreed that Bohanyuan focused on Chinese law and international business, and Holding Redlich has an excellent record in Australian law and international business. The relationship of strategy cooperation between Bohanyuan and Holding Redlich law firm to provide upgraded legal services for Chinese and Australian clients will surely bring powerful impetus to the development of the two law firms.

8th Floor, South Building, China Life Insurance Building, No. 11001 Jingshi Road, Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, P.R.China